LAST PHASE is the latest iteration of mmorpg guild GUNBAD. The beginnings are rooted in RL CCG & Pen & Paper gaming group which started transitioning to video games with the launch of ALPHA CENTAURI in 1999. We completely transitioned to video games by 2006 with launch of Dungeons & Dragons Online. With launch of Warhammer Online in 2008 we transitioned to a truly online community, as the original RL group was replaced by online community. I led this guild in every western mmorpg. We topped at over 1,600+ people (that's over 1,600 players, online at the same time in the same game) in 2010. This guild was re-created under the LAST PHASE name for New World Aeternum.

We played Rift as Gunbad, World of Warcraft as Gunbad, Champions Online as Casual Crusaders, Warhammer Online as We Are Right and many, many other western mmorpgs (most of which closed). Managing a guild of that size got to be too much and in 2017 I stepped down from the leadership position and subsequently quit the guild. Soon after my PC died and I transitioned to consoles. Initially I played on Xbox but ended up transitioning to PlayStation. Now, on PS5, I am bringing our guild back as LAST PHASE.


Our goal is to experience everything the game has to offer. We are a mix of all play styles, there is a need, and a place, for everyone. PvEers, PvPers, crafters, gatherers, social players, house decorators, fishermen, there is a place & a need for everyone.


We are playing on US West server, Aquarius (PST). However, everyone is welcome. Ideally, we would like to have coverage at all times.


1. Leader - Makes final decisions for the clan based on feedback from clan officers and members. Has veto power on all company decisions.

2. Officers - Honorable title given to clan Members as a sign of recognition and respect. Officer rank does not automatically mean more responsibilities or tasks. Officers who choose to take on additional responsibilities will be provided opportunities to do so. Officers who do choose to take on specific responsibilities will be recognized by custom roles, such as "Banker" etc... Officers do have the ability to kick & ban.

3. Member - Full member of the clan. Members have the same say in guild matters as officers.


LAST PHASE is led by OGCryptor. This is a lifetime appointment. As guild gains members I will be appointing Clan Officers who can, if they so choose, to take on responsibilities within our clan. Rank of Officer in our clan is a sign of recognition and respect, additional responsibilities are optional if given individual wishes to take them on. Leader has a veto power on all company decisions, though that is reserved for extreme cases.


We do not do blind invites (sending invites to random people). We no longer have an age requirement, everyone is welcome. We welcome players of all ages & play styles and from all time zones. We focus on recruiting in-person in the game.
When we notice an individual that has potential (this has nothing to do with play style or experience, it has to do with being a good person we can hang out with), we approach them in-game and recommend that they join LAST PHASE by joining our Discord (this is always step #1). If you are reading this and are considering joining, join our Discord and introduce yourself. We will notice, introduce yourself and i will reach out to you asap.
I encourage everyone to post our website URL (which includes all of the information about us) in the in-game chat when running dungeons or participating in other group activities "LASTPHASE.info"


Discord unites us across platforms. It is at the core of our clan. It is what brings us all together. I strongly recommend joining.
